I've found a damaged Bird. What should I do?

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When you find a Bird located on the charger map that has signs of damage, such as a flat tyre, loose handlebars, etc., please mark the Bird as damaged in MY TASKS.

  • To Mark a Bird Damaged, go to the menu and select MY TASKS, find the Bird using the ID, tap on the Bird, and select MARK DAMAGED.

After marking the Bird as damaged, please proceed as you would for a normal Bird: Charge and Release it at a Nest location in the morning. Unless there is damage to the battery or wiring, please keep it charging overnight, even if it doesn't report a charge.

If you don't see payment after releasing to a Nest, please submit a request with the following information:

  1. Bird ID(s)
  2. Description of the damage.
  3. A photo of the damage, or a photo of battery pack when Bird is plugged in.
  4. If the Bird is unresponsive to a charge, please include the Nest address as well
  5. If the “damaged” option isn’t there, that means that it has already been marked. One of our mechanics will take care of it. Thanks!

Note: If you find a damaged Bird that is not on the charger map, please leave it as it is. The Bird has been marked for damage and is awaiting retrieval by a mechanic.

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