Community Pricing

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In order to bring sustainable transportation to more people in the communities where we operate—we offer Bird’s Community Pricing program. Community Pricing will offer 50% off rides across low-income, veterans, students, teachers, senior citizens and select community and non-profit groups.

To enroll, download the Bird app, create an account and then email proof of eligibility, your government-issued identification, your full name, and phone number using the form here or email the information to Accepted forms of eligibility include, but are not limited to, SNAP card, carte Pôle Emploi, utility bill showing low-income program enrollment, a government-issued ID showing age 65+, a contract RSA; French statement of retirement or a card Navigo Améthyste.

Additionally, riders in select cities can pay with cash at over 27,000 CVS and 7-11 retailers for Bird credits or pay with prepaid debit cards, and ride without a smartphone using our proprietary SMS text messaging flow. Low-income riders in select cities can also qualify for our Bird Access program for $5/ month. Learn more about that program here. 

Please note, as a rider using the Community Pricing Program, you are still bound by the terms of Bird's Terms of ServicePrivacy Policy, and Bird's Rental Agreement. By participating in the Low Income Program, you agree that access to the Low Income Program: (i) must be used for the intended audience and purpose, and in a lawful manner; (ii) may not be sold or transferred in any manner, unless expressly permitted by Bird; (iii) may be disabled by Bird at any time for any reason without liability to Bird; (iv) may only be used pursuant to the specific terms that Bird establishes for such Program; and (v) may be subject to quantity or value limits as determined by Bird. Bird reserves the right to terminate access to the Low Income Program in the event that Bird determines or believes that the use of the Program was in error, fraudulent, illegal, or otherwise in violation of Bird's Agreements or specific terms applicable to the Low Income Program.

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